My Latest Articles

How to automatically scroll to bottom of an element after toggling its visibility in Vue 3.

When you need to automatically scroll an element to its bottom after toggling it into view in Vue 3, you would notice things doesn't actually work properly if you call the scroll function immediately after toggling the element's visibility. Let's consider this scenario where you have a scrollable element that is hidden by default and a user has to click on a checkbox to make it visible. If there is vital information at the bottom of the element, in most cases you want to automatically scroll to the botton as soon as the element is visible...

Common pitfalls to watch out for when integrating Laravel Sanctum with a Vue 3 Frontend

When implementing a cookie based authentication in your Vue 3 Single Page Application with Laravel Sanctum, it can sometimes be frustrating when you keep geting **401** unauthorized in your browser console even when you are fully convinced that you have followed all the instructions from the documentation. In this article, I will be sharing with you some common pitfalls I have identified based on my experience while working with Laravel Sanctum and a separate Vue SPA...

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